Nicole Gallina






I am a social and political scientist with a special interest for political transformation processes, such as the challenge of both populism and political correctness for liberal democracies.

Current projects include comparative studies on the development of western political systems. An according working paper series at the Center for Liberal Thought examines selected challenges for liberal democracies in detail.

I have been a lecturer and researcher at the Interfacultary Institute for East and Central Europe, University of Fribourg, Switzerland - and hold a PhD of the same university. Among others, I was a member of the ISN Parallel History Project and NATO/Warsaw Pact team at the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich and a research collaborator (challenges of modern migration processes) at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland.

I was born in southern Germany. From Czech-Slovak-German origin, I speak several Eastern European, and the most important Western European languages.